Resolving Your Probation Violation Charge
A violation of probation (VOP) or violation of community control (VOCC) can have very serious consequences. Not only can you face the full weight of the punishment you faced at your criminal trial, you may also face additional penalties. No matter how minor the probation violation may be, it is important that you contact an experienced attorney to represent you.
Defending Your Rights And Your Freedom
At the Niceville, Florida, Law Office of Michael D. Weinstock, P.A., we have helped countless clients throughout the Florida Panhandle region resolve their probation violation issues. We look closely at the terms of your probation and the incident that caused the alleged violation. We are committed to keeping you out of jail and helping you move on with your life.
How Do Probation Violations Occur?
Probation violations can happen in two ways. The first is to be charged with a new crime. The second is to commit a technical violation of your probation terms, such as missing a meeting with your probation officer or failing to pay a court ordered fine.
We can represent you at any probation violation proceeding whether it is to defend you against the new charges or to present your side of the story regarding a technical violation. No matter which criminal charge you face, we are at your side.
What Is Community Control?
Community control is like house arrest. It is more restrictive than probation and limits the times and reasons for which you can be away from your home. Community control is much easier to violate than probation because of the higher level of restrictions. Similar to probation, a VOCC can result in the original punishment being imposed and possible additional penalties.
Let Us Help You Today
Contact the Law Office of Michael D. Weinstock, P.A., to schedule a consultation with our lawyer. You can send us an email or call us locally at 850-389-4025 or toll free at 866-526-6762. A staff member is available 24/7 in the event of an emergency, and we offer weekend and evening consultations by appointment.